We’ve beaten this point into the ground countless times already, but Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, presents clear benefits compared to the traditional way of using a telephone for business purposes. One of the key ways that VoIP does this is by providing features that traditional telephony simply cannot compete with. We’ll be discussing some of the best ways you can augment your VoIP solution with additional add-ons.
Voicemail to Email
Have you ever missed a voicemail because you simply forgot it was there, or you never noticed it until it wasn’t relevant anymore? You’re not alone.

For those who don’t check voicemail as often as they should, they might find that checking email is more feasible or accessible. Voicemail to email will send you an email whenever someone leaves you a voicemail, giving you a hint to check it out as soon as you can.
On a similar note, voicemail transcription can record your voicemail and place it in your email inbox as a text format, saving you the time and trouble of listening to the message itself.
Video Conferencing
Video chat can be a great boon to any business that regularly holds meetings with clients, customers, or in-house workers. It can be used to deliver a more personal message than a simple telephone call would otherwise accomplish. Plus, people can be a little difficult to read if you can’t look at them directly, as the tone of voice is all you’d have to go off of normally. Video conferencing gives you a face to look at so you can better understand someone’s intentions.
Conference Calling
Sometimes multiple people need to be involved in phone calls. Conference calling allows this to happen easily and efficiently. Anyone involved with the call will be able to tune in from their own device, be it a desktop workstation or a mobile device.
Does your business need a VoIP solution that is both dynamic enough to suit your organization while being powerful enough to support its needs? Why not give Star2Star a try, the hybrid voice solution offered by the team at Midnight Blue? Reach out to the the team at Midnight Blue at 412.342.3800 or click here for more information.