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Tech Tips
The best way to access the Internet is to use a web browser. Today, we’ll discuss five basic tricks to help you make the most of your web browser. Close a Tab Again, keep in mind that when we say “basic,” we mean it. You can close a tab by clicking on the little “x” […]
In your time dealing with files and folders on computers, you may have encountered some that have been marked as “read-only.” What is the significance of these files, and what does that marking really mean? That’s the topic we’ll explore below. Reading into Read-Only Read-only is an attribute that can be assigned to a stored […]
When a computer is new, it seems to blaze through tasks at unbelievable speeds… but this doesn’t seem to last very long at all. In short order, a computer seems to slow to an excruciating crawl. What makes this happen, and how can it be fixed? We’ll go over this below. What Makes a Computer […]
Social media is a big part of just about anyone’s online presence nowadays, whether it’s a personal profile or a business page filled with contact information. While the various uses for social media will differ depending on who’s actually using it, it’s not stretching the imagination to think of social media as an extension of […]
One of the most notorious error screens out there has to be the Windows’ Blue Screen of Death, the devastating fatal error that occurs when something has gone horribly wrong with your computer. But what actually causes this error, and what can you do to make sure that it doesn’t happen again? Let’s find out. […]