Cybersecurity threats are on the rise. Your business is at risk. | Download the Network Security Checklist
Since the very beginning of the year, over 10 million personal records have been lost or stolen on a daily basis. As a result, chances are high that you or someone you know has been victimized by a data breach. However, since many individuals and businesses are never notified, they may have incorrectly come to […]
There is one thing that superior customer service, employee satisfaction, and overall productivity have in common: Communication. It’s the backbone of any company’s structure. With so much technology developed to improve the way humans interact with one another, businesses have begun to use technology to achieve a level of customer satisfaction and understanding that has […]
Whatever your place of business, whether it’s a large or small organization, healthcare provider, academic institution or government agency – creating a culture of cybersecurity from the breakroom to the board room is essential and a shared responsibility among all employees. Every organization needs a plan for employee education, training and awareness that emphasizes risk […]
Does your organization have an internal IT department? If so, you’ve probably noticed that they are too busy problem solving to focus on improving your infrastructure. If they do have time to innovate, chances are they’re neglecting important maintenance. Contacting your local managed service provider is all it takes to improve your infrastructure and operations. […]
After 143 million people had their personal information put at risk in the Equifax data breach, it comes as no surprise that data security is an even hotter topic than usual. As much as you’d like to think that a breach like that would never happen to your business, this is an unrealistic hope that […]