Cybersecurity threats are on the rise. Your business is at risk. | Download the Network Security Checklist
Every business will face a major technology problem at one time or another. Whether it is because your server just decided to quit on you or you have received a not-so-friendly letter telling you to stop using a piece of software, managing technology for a whole organization is difficult. In cases like this, partnering with […]
Traditionally, artificial intelligence isn’t thought of positively. In science fiction A.I. systems are usually the antagonist our hero has to overcome; or, more recently, as a knowledgeable sidekick to our hero. Outside of science fiction, however, A.I. has some real uses that make it a benefit to businesses today. Understanding A.I. Before we dive in […]
Humankind has been fascinated with the concept of helpfully intelligent machines making life easier for many years. While we may still be many years away from the likes of Josie from The Jetsons or J.A.R.V.I.S. and F.R.I.D.A.Y., Iron Man’s digital super-assistants, artificial intelligence is a very real thing, with real benefits for businesses even today. […]
Data backup is important for businesses that want to keep their data safe in the event of a disaster scenario, but each organization’s specific needs will vary. One thing is important to keep in mind though: your business can’t afford to not have data backup. In other words, you need to be prepared for any […]
Most businesses utilize the Internet in some fashion, and a slow connection can be a major annoyance and inconvenience. Thankfully, there are several ways that you can improve or troubleshoot your connection in the event that it’s suffering. Here are some of the ways you can make sure your Internet connection remains as consistent as […]