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Best Practices
Data backup and disaster recovery are two of the linchpins of any business that relies on data and IT solutions storing information. Your business needs to have a plan for when operations are interrupted due to an unforeseeable data loss event. There are a few ways that you can keep your data backups as safe […]
How quickly could your business recover if it were suddenly hit by a Distributed Denial of Service, or DDoS, attack? Are you protected against the effects they could have on your operations? If asked these questions, most businesses should want to say yes, but in reality, over half lack the means to defend against DDoS. […]
Everyone makes mistakes. This is especially true when it comes to the technology that is used by your organization every single day. For this week’s tip, here are some things to avoid when using your computer. Not Reading Terms It’s something we’re all guilty of–reflexively clicking ‘Okay’ or ‘Next’ when confronted by a wall of […]
How many applications does your business use on a daily basis? Managing and maintaining them all can be quite the challenge for a number of reasons–particularly if your organization doesn’t have a dedicated IT technician. It’s important that you take a look at your current situation and determine what roadblocks there are that could cause […]
As you run your business, you need to remember a few things. First, your digital security is an incredibly important consideration, as your crucial data could be tampered with or stolen outright. However, you can’t forget the shared importance of your physical security systems and how they will keep your business safe as well. In […]