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Best Practices
The capabilities of business technology are truly incredible, and they’re only becoming more impressive. This means that the solutions you have in place now will certainly need to be upgraded to other options at some point. Why Avoiding Upgrades is Irresponsible It probably seems like you just adopted the solutions your operations rely on – […]
What has proven to be one of the more effective ways of preventing phishing attacks may be under fire from more advanced threats designed specifically to penetrate the defenses of two-factor authentication. This means that users need to be more cognizant of avoiding these attacks, but how can you help them make educated decisions about […]
PowerPoint is one of the better-known Microsoft Office applications, primarily for putting together slideshow presentations. However, there are other ways you can use it that might not seem immediately noticeable. This week’s tip is dedicated to how you can use PowerPoint for other purposes besides slideshow presentations. Infographics Microsoft PowerPoint has plenty of built-in graphics, […]
Did you know that almost 90 percent of small business owners feel they are completely safe from attack? It’s unfortunate, but the truth of the matter is that half of these business owners will eventually be proven wrong–their businesses can suffer from a cyber attack too. Are you going to risk becoming one of them? […]
While not every business needs to worry about hurricanes, the same can’t be said for other kinds of disasters out there. Tornadoes, fires, and other natural disasters could strike at any moment depending on geographical location, but if you’re prepared, you can limit the influence these events have on your organization’s future. Research Your Threats […]