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Remote Access When it comes to cybersecurity, we all seem to be in a “gray” phase. The situation is that physical offices are reopening, some workers are remaining at home, and everyone needs to be aware of safety measures to protect their devices from infection. Previously, a metaphor of a business’s IT security method was […]
The shift from employees occasionally working from home to consistently working from home has driven the necessity for more in-home IT security measures. Fortunately, these in-home security measures exist to enforce the safety of your company’s sensitive information. The following tips can help you and your employees secure work-from-home environments, which have essentially become your […]
Cybercriminals are on the attack as never before. But there are ways and means of network security to help keep you protected. One such method is through the advancements available with the Next Generation firewall, which can add the additional protection you need. What is a Firewall? A firewall is a necessary component of your […]
65% of small businesses had at least one cybersecurity issue last year and failed to take the necessary precautions to make sure it did not happen again, according to a study by Hiscox. For the following types of cyber-attacks, all employees should have daily or continuous updates to their security and antivirus software. These updates […]
43% of cybersecurity breaches happen to small businesses, Verizon recently reported. With many employees working remotely, the implementation of cybersecurity protections becomes an integral part of doing business and protecting your company in modern times. Cybercrimes are on the rise. That’s why your SMB needs to be working with a managed IT services provider to […]