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Due to the popularity of email in the business world, it’s an extremely popular method of attack for hackers. They can easily send countless messages to targets all over the world with the click of a mouse. Therefore, you have to take email security very seriously. The repercussions of not doing so could be swift […]
Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, has been widely accepted by the business community as an excellent communication tool. This is due to both the cost savings that VoIP offers, as well as the many, many features that are inherently bundled into the solutions available. Here, we’ll review some of the features you might not […]
Social media is a big part of just about anyone’s online presence nowadays, whether it’s a personal profile or a business page filled with contact information. While the various uses for social media will differ depending on who’s actually using it, it’s not stretching the imagination to think of social media as an extension of […]
Here’s an interesting fact: any business that makes money can be successful. It doesn’t matter if you catch and sell fish, offer financial advice, or cut people’s grass, if you make more than you spend, your business will likely stay open as long as demand for your product or service continues. For most businesses, investing […]
Communications in the business world are something that’s absolutely critical to success, but goes through so many changes that it can be mind-boggling just to keep up. Thankfully, the latest and greatest solutions make it easy for small businesses to save money while also enabling them to improve the capabilities they already have. Here are […]