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Hardware, software, malware, ransomware. These are all terms that share two things in common – you probably have heard them fairly often, and they all end the same way. This is no accident. To better understand these terms, let’s dig into the basics of what we mean when we’re talking about “-ware.” Defining ‘Ware’ Based […]
Sometimes it might feel like your technology never works as you want it to. You might try to open up a software application only to find an error message that keeps you from being productive. The error doesn’t go away no matter how many times you reload the application. How can you eliminate these issues […]
Antivirus is a crucial component to any network security platform, but do you know how it works? Below, we’ll go over how your security is improved by an antivirus solution. What is Antivirus? Antivirus is a variety of software meant to identify malware and other software-based threats and eliminate them, protecting your computing resources and […]
By-in-large, most of today’s businesses are doing more to move away from their reliance on printed material. That’s not to say that nearly every business still requires the use of at least one printer. Most people believe that when your “ink” is low in your printer, the quality of the print job will suffer. This […]
It’s no surprise that businesses will avoid spending money on things they don’t need at all costs. While it might seem harmless to avoid investing in certain technology solutions that just aren’t needed, one that you absolutely cannot go without is data backup and disaster recovery. A business that doesn’t survive disasters can’t succeed, so […]