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When it comes to dealing with things around the office, most people have almost no problem calling in a subject-matter expert to handle the issue. Toilet won’t stop running? Bring in a plumber. Simple, right? Yet, it seems that there’s one notable exception: technology issues. Why Businesses Don’t Always Consult Tech Experts Basically, there seems […]
As time passes, your business will need to be able to grow and develop its use of technology through thoughtful investments and improvements. To do so, it helps to calculate the returns you can anticipate seeing from these investments. For this week’s tip, we’ll go over how to do so. How Your IT Investments Can […]
It’s not always hackers that create dangerous situations for your organization. Threats can come from even unforeseen locations, such as your business’s network. No matter what the threat is, though, you have to be extremely careful about the little things that spell doom for organizations just like yours. One of these is failing to have […]
How often does your business have employees traveling to conferences or working remotely due to circumstances or physical location? With technology improving at a rapid pace, these opportunities are more possible now than they ever were in the past, and depending on the solution implemented, they are far more efficient, too. Of course, one thing […]
It is with great pride and tremendous happiness that we announce that Jim Gatto is now officially a partner at Midnight Blue! Jim Gatto Over the last four years, Jim has become an integral part of Midnight Blue. As the COO and VP of Technology Services, he is directly responsible and can take credit for […]