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What Always On Means at MidnightBlue

At Midnight Blue, Always On has always been our credo. It’s the why behind our business. It’s how we ensure that our clients experience the business continuity that is critical to maintaining business-as-usual. 

These last few months have been incredibly challenging for many small and mid-sized businesses. Many voiced concerns about keeping their doors open because of decreasing revenue, experienced overnight shifts into work-from-home environments or sought out new technologies that could enhance or enable better communication and collaboration across teams and customers. 

Always On has always meant something to every one of us at MidnightBlue. But now, it means something more. 

We want to know what you need so we can help you during this time. Whether you need help finding the right free tools, scaling services to meet new and emerging needs, ensuring safeguards, security, and backup plans and protections are in place, elevating security protections for remote work environments, or transitioning your business environment back to business when it’s time: We are here for you. 

Over the last several months, our working styles may have slightly changed, but our work commitments have not. Our team of IT professionals has worked around the clock to ensure that small and mid-sized business environments remain stable and are equipped to manage COVID-19 related technology and business environment changes now, and as they emerge. 

Contact us anytime.

At MidnightBlue, we’re Always On, so that you can be too.

Larry Schwartz

Founder & CEO
